APOCOA Parking (UK) Ltd has been warned twice by local council for poor conduct.
On the first occasion the company was warned by Lincolnshire Council for placing a parking charge notice on a hearse that was parked in front of a church. In this circumstance, APCOA Parking (UK) Ltd was contracted the council to issue statutory parking notices to vehicles breaking local by-laws. So the council was forced to order APCOA to withdraw the notice from the funeral company. Funeral cars are example from infringement notices in these circumstances.
On the second occasion, which also occurred in Lincolnshire a male person, believed to be an employee of APCOA, was photographed illegally parking in a loading bay whilst she was purchasing a snack. Council made a statement a short time later stating that their contractor had been reminded of their responsibilities.
And there has also been yet another issue with local council. Freedom of Information documents have revealed that council’s pay APCOA £2 for each PCN issued. This raises the question of whether this gives APCOA undue incentive to issue notices where perhaps no notice was due.
As well as being subcontracted by local councils to issue statutory penalty charge notices, APCOA also issues parking charge notices in private car parks. These are issued for alleged breach of contract rather than any statutory provision. Notices issued for breach of contract my confirm to the requirements of Protection of Freedoms Act 2012. If they don’t, then the parking company cannot hold the keeper liable for the notice, and it becomes incumbent on APCOA to prove who was driving (which they usually can’t).
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